Former MDP President calls for banning US lawmakers, hosting Chinese military base in Maldives

06 Jun 2024 | 19:58
Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra)

Amid rising tensions between the US and the Maldives over the latter's decision to ban Israeli passport holders, former Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) President and former Member of Parliament Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra) has suggested a series of retaliatory measures against the United States.

This follows the announcement by US lawmakers of a proposed bill to halt aid to the Maldives unless the ban is reversed.

In a statement, Ibrahim Ismail criticized the US legislation, led by Congressman Josh Gottheimer, which seeks to block aid to the Maldives through the "Protecting Allied Travel Here" (PATH) bill.

The bill has garnered bipartisan support and is aimed at pressuring the Maldivian government to lift the ban on Israeli citizens.

I guess the lawmakers in Maldives can also pass a law which bans all lawmakers who vote for that particular law in America from travelling to Maldives. We could also cut military ties with the US and strengthen military ties with China. A Chinese base in the Indian Ocean? Nice,

Ismail stated

highlighting potential counteractions that the Maldives could take.

The Maldivian Cabinet on Sunday decided to amend its laws to ban Israeli nationals from entering the country.

Following which a bill was passed and Gottheimer condemned the Maldivian government's travel ban as an "unprecedented act of Jew hatred," arguing that American taxpayer dollars should not support a nation that prohibits Israeli citizens from entering.

As the situation develops, Ismail’s comments reflect a growing sentiment within some factions of Maldivian politics to pivot towards strengthening ties with China, potentially altering the geopolitical landscape in the Indian Ocean region.
