Foreign Minister Shahid Required to Appear Before Parliament on June 6th

25 May 2023 | 16:44
Foreign Minister Shahid

Foreign Minister Shahid has received a formal notice requesting his presence at the parliament on the 6th of June, 2023. The notice pertains to a complaint petition filed by members of the Parliament, raising concerns about Minister Shahid's perceived failure to adequately discharge his responsibilities in the Chagos dispute.

These concerns have led to doubts regarding the Minister's reliability and integrity. He was accused of neglecting his duty to provide competent guidance to the President in safeguarding the national interests of the Maldives. 

Furthermore, it was alleged that his failure to fulfill his responsibilities effectively resulted in the loss of significant portions of Maldivian territorial waters. 

As a consequence of these actions, the Minister faced accusations of unreliability and a lack of trustworthiness.

Previously, Vice President Eva Abdulla of the Parliament officially announced that a petition, signed by a total of 13 members, was submitted on May 18th.

The media has received an update indicating that Minister Shahid has received a formal communication requesting his attendance at the parliament concerning the aforementioned matter. He has been instructed to be present on the 6th of June. 

Minister Shahid was previously granted a 14-day period to provide a response to the allegations raised against him, which cast doubts on his reliability.
