MDP President Shahid addresses IDU Forum 2024, urges global action against democratic decline

05 Apr 2024 | 17:24
MDP president Abdulla Shahid

The President of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Abdulla Shahid, delivered a virtual message to the International Democracy Union (IDU) Forum 2024 yesterday, highlighting the critical importance of safeguarding democracy in the face of mounting global challenges.

In his address to the forum, which took place from April 3rd to April 5th in New Zealand,  Shahid expressed his gratitude to the Chairman of the IDU, The Rt Hon Stephen Harper, for extending the invitation to participate.

He emphasized the significance of free and fair elections as the cornerstone of democracy, underscoring that without elections, democracy loses its essence.

President Shahid stressed the ongoing erosion of democratic principles worldwide.

He cautioned against the rise of authoritarian tendencies, emphasizing that the decline of democracy is a shared challenge across societies.

President Shahid highlighted the unique characteristics of contemporary authoritarianism, noting that elected officials themselves often dismantle democratic institutions.

He emphasized the need for vigilance and underscored that democracy remains the best system for protecting human dignity and promoting sustainable development.

Reflecting on the journey of the Maldivian Democratic Party, President Shahid reiterated the party's commitment to championing democratic ideals.

He acknowledged the challenges faced in advancing democracy, but affirmed the party's determination to persevere.

President Shahid took to social media platform X to share his message, reiterating MDP's unwavering commitment to protecting the hard-earned democratic gains in the Maldives and advocating for democracy worldwide.

He emphasized the importance of multilateralism and international cooperation in confronting the new challenges to democracy.

As the IDU Forum 2024 commenced deliberations, President Shahid urged participants to consider innovative approaches to addressing the contemporary challenges facing democracy.

He emphasized the importance of upholding democratic principles and forging closer international relationships to combat the threats posed by authoritarianism and promote a resilient and prosperous future.
