Opposition approaches the high court over the delays in Yameen's appeal

19 Sep 2023 | 18:56
PNC leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla

Opposition colation have approached the High Court over the opposition concern over the lengthy trial against opposition leader President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, who has challenged his previous verdict. 

Speaking to reporters President Abdul Raheem Abdulla, who is in charge of the progressive Congress coalition temporarily stated that after we approached the High Court to clarify the situation we found that a hearing on President Yameen's appeal for the next three was not scheduled. 

"We have been informed that one of the three judges on the bench has taken leave from 23. Once again, high court officials have been on an official visit since 25. This means that the case of President Yameen case has not yet been scheduled until the second round of voting in this election."

Said Abdul Rahmeem

Abdul Raheem said that to prolong a case pending in the appeal process for almost a year amounted to torturing a person.

Abdul Raheem said the results of the first round of presidential elections showed that the people believe that President Yameen is being subjected to unfair treatment. At the same time, he alleged that president Yameen's appeal was being delayed through india's interference and through the JSC.

"India is playing a key role in delaying President Yameen's case. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is interfering in the courts while he is in the President's Office, and then through the JSC, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is interfering."

Said Abdul Raheem Abdulla

Abdul Raheem said the results of the second round of presidential elections would change the government. Abdul Raheem assured that President Yameen will be freed by removing interference in the judiciary. 

President Yameen's lawyers have also expressed concern that the case has been stalled at some point and the investigation has not yet been completed.
