Maldivians in Sri Lanka advised to be cautious ahead of election

19 Sep 2024 | 22:12
Election rally in Sri Lanka (Photo/US News)

The Sri Lankan Embassy in Sri Lanka has urged Mladivians to be vigilant in connection with Saturday's presidential election.

Security measures have been tightened in connection with the elections, the embassy said in a statement, giving important instructions to Maldivians.

Among the instructions given by the embassy is to carry an official identity document when going out, this will be important in case of getting stopped and questioned by security forces.

Secondly, the embassy has asked people to stay away from crowded places and polling stations, this is an important instruction, as such venues are usually potential sources of chaos in the electoral environment.

Third, the embassy advised against going out at night, with the possibility of election-related events occurring during the night that may adversely affect public order, this is also a very important guideline.

Fourth, they are told to obey the instructions of the police and security services, since special security measures have been taken in connection with the election, it is important for your own safety to follow the instructions of these authorities.

Fifth, the embassy has advised citizens to obtain essential items ahead of time, with businesses and shops likely to close in connection with the election, this is a very important step.

Sixth, the Embassy has urged the public to complete visa-related matters as soon as possible, taking into account the upcoming weekends.

The election is coming amid Sri Lanka's economic downturn and political turmoil is expected to increase, therefore, it is important for the residents of the country to pay more attention.
