Maldives Police Service undergoes major restructuring for enhanced policing

01 Jul 2024 | 01:01
Maldives Police (Photo/Voice)

Maldives Police Service announced that they have  restructured its administrative management to align with the goals of its Strategic Action Plan for the next four years.

The new structure features 17 divisions at command and directorate levels, including local policing regions.

A significant addition is the establishment of a digital command aimed at creating a technology-driven, data-centric institution for gang crime enforcement and digital tethering.

In a recent announcement, the police introduced a new command, the Hulumale’ Police, dedicated to enhancing policing efforts in ensuring the provision of appropriate services.

The restructuring aims to significantly reduce gang crimes and includes the appointment of new heads for various commands, directorates, and departments focused on education and training.

These changes are also designed to strengthen the governance system of the police service and modernize its operations.

Establishing a fast and reliable service system is also a very important area to focus on in this four-year plan

Police stated

The police launched their next four-year action plan on June 5.
