Male’ City Council names road ‘Falastheen Hingun’ in soliditary with Palestine

27 Jun 2024 | 17:04
Male' City Council Mayor Adam Azim (Photo/Male' City Council)

The Male’ City Council has decided to name a road in the Maldivian capital, Male’, in honor of Palestine.

This initiative was proposed by Mayor Adam Azim, who suggested naming one of the two unnamed roads in the city or renaming an existing road to show solidarity with Palestine.

During a city council meeting on Thursday morning, councilors unanimously agreed to name the narrow road behind Maafannu Madrasa as “Falastheen Hingun.”

Mayor Azim emphasized that this gesture is intended to demonstrate the Maldivian people’s support for Palestine, especially as Israeli forces continue their bombardment of Gaza, resulting in more than 37,700 deaths.

Azim also highlighted the deep affection the Maldivian people have for Palestine, which is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

In light of this decision, the city council is currently working on constructing a pavement and carrying out other developmental activities on Falastheen Hingun.

Once these works are completed, the road will be officially reopened with a grand ceremony.
