I have no personal grudge against India: Former President Yameen

17 Oct 2022 | 18:20
President Yameen speaking during his visit to Baarah

Former President and Leader of the opposition Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom have said that India has no personal grudge against India even if he comes to power again. India will be a friendly country.

Speaking to the people of Thuraakunu during his visit to the island of the atoll, Former President Yameen stated that no country's armed forces will be stationed in the Maldives. He further explained that there are Indian Soldiers in the Maldives at the moment and that the country has influence over the people of the Maldives. He further stated that it is a fact that needs to believe. 

Former President Yameen also stated that the incumbent government provided space for India to influence the country and invited them to do so. He also portrayed this as a "great betrayal" for the country and its people. 

"I don't have any personal issues between me and India. It doesn't matter! India will still be our friend under our rule,"

said Former President Yameen

However, Former President Yameen stated that India can only be considered a friend if it respects the country's independence and sovereignty. He further stated that if things are taken to the point where permission is required from India on everything, it could not be treated as a friendly country. 

President Yameen stated that if the government is portraying a different picture. He further explained that we are now second-class citizens in our country. 
