Opposition party will be sending a letter to ITLOS regarding Chagos conflict

26 Apr 2023 | 22:52
PPM Leader Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom

Under the orders of Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayyoom, the opposition leader and the presidential candidate of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), the party has decided to send a letter to International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which is based in Germany and is in charge of affairs related to Maldivian territory, expressing that Maldives does not believe that Chagas island belongs to Mauritius.

This was revealed in the press conference held today, where the function by the name of “Chagos” was announced to be held artificial beach regarding concerns of the locals on the Chagos Islands crisis.

Abdul Raheem Abdulla, the temporary president of the opposing coalition, stated that political leader Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was the first person to express concern regarding the change in the state’s stand on Chagos Islands crisis by the government.

Abdul Raheem stated that prior to ordering for a letter to be sent to ITLOS by PPM, expressing the disagreement of Maldivians regarding the decision made on Chagos Islands, leader Yameen had advocated on many platforms against it.

“President Yameen had advocated against the decision, made regarding Shabbos, the most, even while he was free. He ordered to send a letter to ITLOS stating that the decision was not possible as the citizens of Maldives have a right over this, and the citizens do not agree with the decision.”

Abdul Raheem Abdulla, president of PNC 

Abdul Raheem also mentioned that the letter will be sent to the leaders of all the political parties in Maldives to be signed before it is sent to ITLOS. He also said that all the political parties will be invited to come together to protect the condition of Maldives.

In addition, he has made arrangements for all political leaders to set their political beliefs aside and come together to protect the right of the Maldivian citizens, as this crisis is directly linked to their well-being.
