Immigration to deport Arfat accused of preparing food with cat meat

11 Sep 2024 | 20:52
MD Arfat Hossain arrested for cooking and selling cat meat

Immigration is making arrangements to deport 32-year-old Arfat Hossain, a Bangladeshi national accused of catching stray cats and cooking their meat, according to the agency's statement today.

The Feline Welfare Organization brought the issue to public attention.

The association said Arfat works at Valhomas market.

He was arrested by the police on the 21st of last month and handed over to Immigration authorities.

Arfat is currently in detention, with no specific departure date set for his deportation.

The case has raised significant public concern, with calls for more information on where and when the food was sold.

The case was initially reported by the Animal Welfare Ministry, and the Home Ministry is also monitoring the situation closely.

Immigration arrested several foreigners for preparing and selling food in unsanitary conditions, including individuals selling Betel Nuts.
