Ismail Habeeb appointed as HRCM member

08 Sep 2024 | 16:41
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu appointing Uz Ismail Habeed Abdul Raheem to HRCM (Photo/President's Office)

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has appointed G. Gaakoshi Flat 111-B, Uz Ismail Habeeb Abdul Raheem as a member of the Maldives Human Rights Commission.

The appointment ceremony took place this afternoon at the President's Office, where Honorable Supreme Court Justice Ali Rasheed Hussain administered the oath of office.

Following the oath, the President handed over the official appointment letters.

Ismail Habeeb Abdul Raheem previously served as vice-chairperson of the Election Commission from 2021 to 2024 and has completed two consecutive terms as a member of the Commission.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Shar'iah and Law from Villa College and a Master of Arts in Dhivehi Language from the National University of Maldives.
