Former President Solih denounces delayed flat handover as unlawful

22 Mar 2024 | 09:47
Former President and MDP advisor Ibrahim Mohamed Solih

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has voiced concern over delay in the handover of units in the Gedhoruveriya Housing Scheme, stressing that there are no justifiable grounds for the holdup. 

Addressing attendees at a campaign meeting for Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidates in the Maafannu North constituency ahead of the impending parliament elections, Solih identified housing as the paramount issue confronting Male'.

In our administration, considerable efforts were made to address housing challenges. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, we encountered delays of two years in commencing physical construction and securing adequate funds. Towards the end of our tenure, we transparently and justifiably determined the beneficiaries of housing units and flats

remarked former President Solih

Solih underscored the myriad challenges encountered in housing initiatives, emphasizing the prioritization of Male' residents who had long been deprived of such opportunities.

He asserted that the current suspension of housing projects is unwarranted and illegal, vowing to readdress the situation.

We are committed to resolving this issue through parliamentary channels, ensuring the expeditious handover of flats. The government will not impede this process, nor will it have the authority to arbitrarily alter the beneficiary list

Solih affirmed

Amidst Solih's remarks, it is worth noting that the contentious allocation of flats during his administration has come under scrutiny, prompting an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) into alleged irregularities in the Binveriya and Gedhoruveriya schemes.

The investigation revealed that 59.6% of the recipients of the 4,000 allocated flats were deemed unqualified, leading to a halt in flat distribution.
