AFCON requests to do its own surveys of damages to Villimale’ reef

10 Oct 2022 | 11:51
The platform that ran aground on Villimale reef/ Photo: Ahmed Iyman

India's AFCON Infrastructure has rejected the assessment done by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) assessment over the damages caused to Villimale's reef caused by the Self Evaluating Platform (SEP) and has requested to conduct its own assessment.

 AFCON's Self-Evaluating Platform (SEP) wreaked on August 16th while undertaking the construction of the Greater Male Connectivity Bridge (GMCP).  Three individuals have also been reported to have been injured during the wreck. 

The SEP was relocated nearly after two weeks on August 27th.  While the cleaning debris was cleared up by September 4th. The wreck caused serious damage to the reef. 

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) was able to conduct a damage assessment after the clean-up was concluded. After the assessment, EPA published pictures of the assessment showing large craters within the reef. 

EPA has also stated it would publish its findings along with the amount AFCON will be fined. However, EPA has stated they have been unable to publish their finding due to the AFCON not responding to the survey report.

EPA Director General Ibrahim Naeem told local media that AFCON's had submitted a proposal two weeks ago to conduct its own survey.

Afcons have been given a further seven days to reply to the EPA findings, according to Naeem. Naeem omitted saying when the deadline was approved. He asserted that the seven-day window is still open.
