Avas news website hacked: Turkish Hackers group speaks out!

24 Mar 2024 | 14:38
The hactivism group that hacked Avas News Website

Avas News, a prominent local news channel, fell victim to a cyber attack as its website was hacked by a Turkish hacktivism group today.

Visitors to the website were greeted with a message from the group, expressing concerns over societal issues and the global impact of war.

The hacked website prominently displayed a message in Turkish and English, lamenting the effects of violence on children and the pervasive influence of drug dealers and street drinking among young people. 
The hackers criticized the inadequacy of state resources and condemned what they perceive as the capitalist system's prioritization of money over justice.

In the message, the group decried the enslavement of individuals by money and highlighted the disparity in wealth distribution, attributing corruption and societal decay to the pursuit of monetary gain. 
They argued that as long as money remains the driving force behind societal structures, wars will persist, leading to continued migrations and suffering for the oppressed.

The hacktivism group concluded their message with a call for peace, urging readers to contemplate the implications of their words and actions.

They further emphasized the need for societal change to address systemic issues.

The incident has raised concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the potential impact of hacktivist actions on media outlets and public discourse. 
Avas News has yet to release an official statement regarding the breach.
