Approval denied for three Ministers - Uz. Usham, Dr. Shaheem, and Dr. Haidar

29 Jan 2024 | 15:45
Three ministers that were denied approval (Uz Ahmed Usham, Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed)

In a tumultuous parliamentary session held today, approval for three ministers appointed by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu - Uz Ahmed Usham, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, and Housing Minister Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed - was not granted, revealing a pivotal moment in the ongoing proceedings of the current administration.

The decision not to grant approval for these ministers followed a contentious parliamentary meeting, which was rescheduled due to disruptions and fights that erupted in the previous day's session.

Out of the 22 ministers in the current administration's cabinet, these three faced a lack of approval, with members from the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and democrats leading the refusal.

The breakdown of the voting for the three ministers is as follows:

Attorney General Uz Ahmed Usham:

Refuse Approval: 44 votes

Grant Approval: 24 votes

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed:

Refuse Approval: 31 votes

Grant Approval: 30 votes

Abstain/Did Not Vote: 8 members

Housing Minister Dr. Ali Haidar Ahmed:

Refuse Approval: 46 votes

Grant Approval: 24 votes

The refusal of approval for these ministers signifies a challenging dynamic within the parliamentary proceedings. 

The remaining ministers in President Muizzu's cabinet received approval. 
