14-day deadline given to AG Rif'ath to respond to the no-confidence motion

18 May 2023 | 21:54
Attorney General Riffath

A 14-day deadline has been granted to the Attorney General, Ibrahim Riffath, to respond to the recently lodged no-confidence motion. 

This motion, supported by 13 opposition party MPs, including PPM, MNP, JP, and loyalists of Speaker Nasheed from the ruling MDP, alleges Riffath's failure in fulfilling his duties regarding the partition of contested waters between Maldives and Mauritius.

In the Parliament session held today, Speaker Nasheed revealed the submission of a no-confidence motion endorsed by 13 MPs targeting AG Riffath. 

Nasheed clarified that the 14-day notice, necessary before parliamentary deliberations, was dispatched to the Attorney General on May 16, 2023.

The date for the motion's discussion will be announced in due course. As per parliamentary regulations, a no-confidence motion against a cabinet minister can be initiated with the backing of a minimum of 10 MPs and requires a majority vote from the total number of MPs to be passed.
