Male' City Council Launches "Green Champions" Program to Promote Sustainability

06 May 2023 | 21:00
Mayor of Male’ City

Male' City Council has introduced a new initiative called the "Green Champions" program aimed at promoting sustainable living and environmental conservation in the city.

The program seeks to encourage individuals, households, and businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

Through the program, participants will have access to resources, training, and support to help them achieve their sustainability goals. 

The program will also recognize the achievements of individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to environmental conservation.

The Male' City Council hopes that the Green Champions program will inspire more people to adopt sustainable practices and make Male' City a model for sustainability in the Maldives. 

The program is open to all residents, businesses, and organizations in Male' City, and interested participants can register on the Male' City Council website.
