Israeli tourist evacuated from Thulusdhoo Island admist ongoing genocide in Palestine

30 Apr 2024 | 15:23
The post made on social media by Israeli tourist (Right) and the Israeli tourist evacuated from Thulusdhoo (Left)

An Israeli tourist vacationing on Thulusdhoo Island was asked to leave the island following public outcry, as revealed by sources from the island community yesterday.

As reported to Voice from Thulusdhoo, residents became aware of the Israeli tourist's presence on the island through her social media activity, which spurred them to take immediate action.

I approached the guest house owner, who also supported our stance. We conveyed to the Israeli tourist that her presence was unwelcome among the local community

shared a resident of Thulusdhoo

The evacuated tourist, identified as an Israeli blogger, was traveling solo, and her departure was reportedly peaceful, devoid of any altercation.

Thulusdhoo Island, renowned for its surfing attractions, has seen a surge in Israeli tourists in recent years.

However, sentiments against Israeli visitors have escalated since October last year, coinciding with Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Banners bearing the slogan "Israel Not Allowed" have been erected, and Palestinian flags have been raised in solidarity at the island's harbor.

The incident comes in the wake of a parliamentary resolution calling for the banning of Israeli passports in the Maldives.

Despite the resolution, the government has yet to take concrete action.

The resolution aims to demonstrate the Maldives' solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemn Israel's military aggression, advocating for the severance of ties with Israel and the prohibition of Israeli tourist arrivals.

You forgot the last years that Israelis were your primary salary incomes and friends. You see only one side of the picture that the news are showing you. Check “Mako 12” reels on instagram to see the truly reality.
01 May 2024
Thulusdhoo Island people that have been so nice to the Israelis over the years, so there real ugly face now by support a Natzi Terrorist organization that also the Palestinian people despite in favor of them.
01 May 2024
Buceador Canario
Good to hear that the locals are cleaning up the Maldives and making sure those repugnant genocidal zionist monsters are not allowed to set foot there. Looking forward to visiting you all again real soon!
03 Jun 2024